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Come to the edge of the bench. Fit Tip- Do not lean and swing the weights up or lean your torso forward and bring the dumbbells down in front of your body- let the weights down to your sides instead 4Bent Over Raises: Bent Over Raises. With thirty years of combined industry experience and unbounded love for their work, fashion designer Pily Queipo and creative director Amber Delecce, have joined forces to pursue their passion: designing the perfect product for the swim and resort wear industry.
You can be sure that you can shop with confidence when you shop at SwimwearWorld. Fit Tip - Avoid swinging the weight up and do not lean back or forward as you lower the weights. Perform 8-12 reps for 3 sets, at a challenging weight where the last 8-12 are hard to finish.
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Working out is not a chore that is to be dreaded! Rather celebrate the fact that you are getting fresh blood and oxygen to all the cells in your body! And you are giving yourself the best gift ever, the gift of exercise! I have heard this scenario too many times in my online coaching programs and in my telephone and in-person live consultations. A client starts a new exercise program only to quit 2-to-3 weeks later. With this self-sabotaging mindset, they are setting themselves up for failure. Remember to never stop, never give up and never quit! Only losers quit and winners carry on, always taking their program one day at a time. When I had given birth to my second son, and some many months later, took my famous before photo, I went on a mission to become my healthiest! I started this Fitness Model Program, and I did not see results! I almost gave up, gave in and threw in my towel! But a little positive self-loving voice inside my head told me not to quit, and to carry on! And even if I don't see results I want, that I would still benefit from a super-healthy lifestyle. A week later, it's as if my body started responding drastically to my new healthy lifestyle! The fat flood gates finally opened, allowing my body to release the fat it was storing for years and my muscle mass started to show! So just as I kept at it, I urge you also to never give up when you feel at times like you want to! Weekly Workout Exercise Plan The program is as simple as this: You workout with weights 4 days a week, and if you have some fat you need to blast, you add 2 days of cardio, no less than 25 minutes and no more than 45 minutes. Below you will see a sample week. This is an outline I highly suggest you follow and stick to, as with a solid plan, you won't be lost, you'll know what you are doing and what to do next, taking out all the guess work! Warm up simply by walking in place, then moving side to side, and then picking up the intensity to say maybe jumping jacks, and then running in place. Aim for a warm up for at least for 5 minutes. Perform 8-12 reps for 3 sets, at a challenging weight where the last 8-12 are hard to finish. The Five Essential Pieces Of Workout Equipment Contrary to popular belief, you only need 5 pieces of exercise tools and equipment to achieve the fitness model look. Believe me, your muscle mass and your joints will thank me! It takes a lot of energy with no real gains, except for cardiovascular. You can receive cardiovascular benefits from other low impact versions such as using the Elliptical, Nordic Track, Air Stepper, and the Stair Master. In order to have that strong sleek and sexy muscle tone, you need to focus more on weight training to build it up. If you overtrain, your appetite will increase and you will start eating like a 250-pound football player and not a fitness model. Rather do just enough to blast fat, and not to hit a plateau. Take it one day at a time, and enjoy the process. Explanations Of Exercises Congrats on making it this far in my program - a round of applause for you! Now comes the real fun part - proving to yourself that you can do it! I urge you to fully understand that you do not need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment or costly to achieve a great body! As you will see from my photos I am simply working out in my living room with my essential pieces of equipment therefore from my example do not confuse a huge gym with tons of equipment with achieving results. The key here is to use this program - it's as simple as that! The piece of equipment that I prefer to perform my cardio is the Stairmaster but you can use a Nordic track, elliptical machine or a steady walk on an incline on a treadmill or jumping rope for your cardio. Exercise Program Formula: Refer to the 7-day calendar that was forementioned in this chapter. Take the body part that is assigned each day and choose 3 exercises from the exercises listed below. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise. Make sure you choose a weight that is challenging enough that you have to really focus to finish the last 8-12 reps! Make sure you follow through and complete your entire weight training session. Start out by inclining your bench. Sit on the edge of it with your feet flat on the floor and hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, elbows out and palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells up and in so that they almost touch above your head. Press them up until your arms are almost straight and slowly lower them back to starting position. Fit Tip - Don't lean your head too far back; always look straight forward with your chin up and chest high. Stand with your feel shoulder width apart; knees slightly bent. Hold your dumbbells with your palms facing you and press the weight up until your arms are fully extended over your head. Pause for a count of one before slowly lowering your weight to the starting position. Fit Tip - do not arch your back as you press the dumbbells upward as it may cause back injury 3Side Raises: Side Raises. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides. Holding a dumbbell in each hand palms facing your body lift the weights out and up to the sides until they are right about level with your chin and hold them for a count of one. Lower them slowly back down to your sides. Fit Tip- Do not lean and swing the weights up or lean your torso forward and bring the dumbbells down in front of your body- let the weights down to your sides instead 4Bent Over Raises: Bent Over Raises. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, keeping your feet shoulder width apart, bend forward at the waist so that your upper body is parallel with the floor. Let your arms hang straight down, palms facing each other. Raise the dumbbells, pulling your arms apart and moving your elbows up. Fit Tip - Don't hunch your back by leaning over too much. Your back should be straight and your torso should be almost parallel to the ground. Sit on the edge of your flat bench with your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in each hand. With your palms facing forward, curl both arms lifting the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Fit Tip - Avoid swinging the weight up and do not lean back or forward as you lower the weights. Your arms should be extended down at your sides and palms facing each other. Curl both arms up and lift the dumbbells toward your shoulders. Remember to keep your upper arms and torso still as you curl. Fit Tip - Don't lift with your palms facing down; the proper way is for your palms to face each other. Lie on your back on your bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Bring your weights to a point just above your shoulders. Your palms should face towards your feet and elbows out. Press your weights straight up until they are locked out right over your collarbone and slowly lower them to starting position. Fit Tip- don't let the dumbbells sway back toward your head and over your face and do not lift your head off the bench as you do this exercise. Start with your right foot flat on the floor and your left knew resting on a flat bench. Lean forward so that you're supporting the weight of your upper body with your left arm on the bench. Your back should be almost parallel to the floor. Concentrate on pulling the elbow as far back as it can go. After you have rowed the dumbbell as far up as you can, slowly lower it to the starting position. Fit Tip - Don't hunch your back as you do this exercise- keep it flat. Start by lying across a flat bench with only your upper back making contact with the bench. Lift a dumbbell overhead and hold it at arm's length over your face. Without raising your hips, lower the dumbbell in an arc as you slowly breathe. Once you have reached a fully stretched position, hold it for a quick count of one and then raise it back up as you exhale. Fit Tip - Keep your hips in the same spot and don't let your hips rise. Sit on the bench and grasp one end of the dumbbell with 2 hands and raise it above your head. Start slowly lowering the dumbbell behind your heads and keep your elbows close to your head and pointed straight up throughout the exercise to keep the focus on your triceps. Lower the weight until you feel the stretch and hold it for one count and press the weight back up. Fit Tip - Keep your elbows pointed up and hold them in and don't let them flare out to the sides. This is an excellent move for the entire upper body, but especially the triceps! If you can't perform them on your toes, then do them on your knees and work your way to your toes. Place your hands close together. Perform push-ups, squeezing at the top of the movement. If its hard for you to execute this move with your hands really super close, keep them farther apart and build up to closer! Gently bend your knees, keep in your abs tight, shoulders are up and back, chest is out and neck and spine are in neutral alignment. Bend over from the waist, and bring your arms up and back, bending at the elbows. With your wrists in neutral alignment, focus on your triceps, pushing the weight back, holding at the tip of the movement. Gently release and lower down. Come to the edge of the bench. Firmly grasp onto the edge and bring your elbows back. Make sure your shoulders are back and down, allowing your chest to be out, allowing proper alignment of your spine. Gently bring your feet out in front of you. Lower down, focusing on contracting your triceps, and the entire back of your upper arms. Hold at the bottom for a small pause, and then bring it back up, squeezing your triceps as you bring yourself back to the starting position. Holding dumbbells in both hands and to your sides, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold your abs in tight, shoulders are up and back and your chest is out, slightly arch your lower back, sticking your glutes out in a natural manner. Keep your knees slightly bent. Gently lower down into a squatting position keeping your spine in neutral alignment and your chest up. Stand with your feet together, toes pointed straight forward and a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with your right foot and bend at the knees as you lower your hips until your left knee is just a few inches off the floor. Push with your right leg as you raise yourself back up to your starting point. Repeat until you have completed the amount of reps you planned on and then do the same with your left leg. Firmly hold dumbbells in both hands. Place your foot firmly onto the bench. Step up, engaging all of your lower body muscles, squeezing all throughout the glute area. At the top of the movement make sure you squeeze your butt. Lower down in a controlled manner, working this negative motion of the movement. Repeat for 12 reps on the same leg, and then switch legs. Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing toward your legs. Bend forward at your hips and slowly lower the dumbbells in front of you until the weights touch the floor. Keep your back straight and raise your upper body and weights to the starting position. Fit Tip - Don't hunch over and keep your back fairly rigid throughout this exercise. Lie on your mat and put your hands beside your head - bring your knees together and place them flat on the floor about a foot from your hips. Start by pushing your lower back down and begin to roll your shoulders up, keeping your knees and hips stationary. Continue to push down as hard as you can with your lower back. The range of motion of this exercise is limited and your shoulders should only come off the ground a few inches. Hold this position and flex your abs as hard as you can for a count of one and then slowly lower your shoulders to the ground; never stop pushing down with your lower back. Fit Tip - Don't lock your hands behind your head; they should be cupped at the sides of your head and not used for leverage. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your hands beside your head. Let your legs fall as far as they can to your left side so that your upper body is flat on the floor and your lower body is on its side. Press your lower back down into the floor while you roll your upper body slightly up until your shoulder blades reach the ground. Concentrate on your obliques and contract and hold the crunch for a count of one. Hold the contraction and slowly lower to the starting position, count one and perform the next rep. Switch to the other side after you completed your planned number of reps. Fit Tip - Don't lock your hands behind your head. Lie flat on your back on your mat with your hands under your hips, palms down for support. Lift your head up slightly off the floor and lift your legs off the floor while you bend them at your knees, pulling your thighs up toward your chest slowly. With your knees approaching your chest, contract your abs and slightly lift your pelvis off the floor. Slowly straighten your legs and bring them back down toward the floor but don't let them rest on the floor. Hold them in that extended position for a count of one and then bring them back up. Fit Tip - Don't lift your head up too far or let your lower back arch. Again I emphasize- Do not! When you lift weights and engage your muscles into resistance training, it's as if you are taking sandpaper and scraping it on your skin, tearing it open and exposing the inner flesh. The Fire Hydrant Principal: My Program Can Unlock Your Body's Full Potential. Your body is like a fire hydrant, it only takes one tool to unlock it. Once it's unlocked it shows its ultimate potential with an at times uncontrollable, extremely forceful release! My program is the one wrench that can unlock your body's full potential. The floodgates opened and my body started releasing the fat. I urge you not to give up and know that it's not about being perfect, but being persistent! The Dynamite Principal: Don't cheat yourself by using weights that are easy for you to finish the last 8-12 reps. Make sure you are challenging yourself in that by the 8-12th rep it is very difficult for you to finish. Let me illustrate with the stick of dynamite analogy: You can have a stick of dynamite and tap it with a pencil and nothing happens, you can tap it with a pencil 10 times and nothing happens or you can take sledgehammer and hit it once and the stick of dynamite will explode, therefore it is imperative to use a weight that is heavy enough to hit your muscles, not with a pencil tap but with the power of a sledgehammer! Cardio Core Principals: Fitness models never run- they do at 65-75% of their target. When you overtrain cardio, you start eating your muscle and your appetite goes out of control you start having cravings like 300-pound players! I would get out of the gym with such a big appetite that I would eat spaghetti and anything in sight! You need to train like a fitness model - and fitness models don't overtrain so that we don't overeat! Jump Rope: is a great toning and cardiovascular workout. Start slow, take your time, and get enough rest between exercises to re-energize your body. As you progress, work your way up to 20 to 30 minutes for an intense workout. For the first couple of exercises, turn the rope slowly to warm up. Then gradually speed up the pace until you are performing faster moves about halfway through your workout. Then gradually slow your pace down until you are turning the rope slowly on the last two to three exercises to cool down.